Eric van Hall
20 september ‘22 5 min. reading time

How do you write a good brochure?


With so many online options for communicating, many of us have forgotten about brochures made of paper. Yet many companies still use this physical marketing tool.

With a brochure, you broaden your marketing strategy. Digital communication is often fleeting and quickly forgotten, but a brochure is easy to pick up, take with you and read again later.

A brochure is easy to pick up, take with you and read again later.

Brochures are available in all price ranges, from cheap flyers to luxury full-colour guides. They are therefore suitable for all types of organisations, from the local cafetaria to multinational corporations.

But your brochure, handout or leaflet will only have an impact if you manage to write good brochure text. So what exactly are the characteristics of a good brochure? We are here to explain that to you!

The benefits of a brochure


A company can distribute its brochures in PDF format, but in this article we are specifically focused on brochures made of paper. First of all, it is important to know what distinguishes a paper brochure from digital text. Why would you as a company make a brochure when you have so many options for online communication?

One of the reasons is the fact that brochures are versatile marketing tools. You can easily give them away, distribute them at trade fairs, put them in letterboxes, et cetera.

Brochures are also easy for customers to carry. Many people prefer to grab a brochure and read it when it suits them best, rather than having a conversation with a salesperson.

Text on paper holds the attention longer.

In addition, many people prefer to read printed text over text from a screen. Text on paper also holds the attention longer.

Finally, if you opt for a more luxurious, professionally printed brochure, this shows that your company is doing well and that your name is established.

Characteristics of a good brochure

Most brochures don't contain that much text. You have limited space to get your message across, which makes it extra important that you use powerful text.

To create a brochure that exudes professionalism and expertise and invites your readers to take action, you need to take a number of things into account.

Determine the target audience and purpose of your brochure

Defining the target audience for your specific text is essential when writing your content. As you define your message, keep your audience in mind.

Once you know your target audience, focus your marketing on their specific challenges and your solutions for them. Think about why you're making the brochure and then write interesting, quality content that focuses on solutions. Identify why the reader picked up your brochure and how you can help him or her.

Utilise a clear layout

It is also important to think about layout. Most brochures follow more or less the same format:

  • The company logo and header are put on the front page.
  • Inside, you describe the product or service. Explain all of the advantages, providing facts and details. Often, experiences and reviews from satisfied customers are also added.
  • The final page typically contains contact information and a call to action.

Choose an attractive title


The headline is one of the main reasons for a prospect to pick up and read your brochure. Be clear about the content of the brochure and don’t underestimate words like ‘free’, ‘fast’, ‘easy’ and ‘exclusive’. Use keywords that are clear and attractive.

Keep the information clear and concise

When writing a brochure, the information should be concise but powerful. A triptych brochure, for example, only has space for about 350 to 450 words, with which you have to convey all the information about your offer.

All relevant information must be included in the brochure.

The main purpose of a brochure is to provide relevant information and generate interest in your company through short but powerful and convincing text. Don't forget that readers can't click further if they want to learn more about something. All relevant information must therefore be included in the brochure.

Add reviews

Your business will appear more credible if you include customer experiences and reviews. This is the best way to generate new sales. The more positive experiences people read, the better their view of your company will be and the more they will see you as a reliable authority.

You may want to ask your customers if they want to write a review for you, or use reviews that have already been shared (for example, on Google). Add these customer experiences to your brochure.

End with a call to action


Don't forget to finish with a call to action. What do you want the reader to do after reading your brochure? Visit your website to make a purchase? Sign up for the newsletter? all you to order a pizza? Be clear about this, and of course provide the relevant contact details.

To increase the response rate, it is always a good idea to offer 'bait', such as a special offer, discount or free product.

Give readers a reason to keep your brochure

The advantage of a physical brochure is that readers can keep it and view it again later. Of course, you have to give them a reason not to throw it in the trash at the end of the day. You can do this by adding something that will benefit your potential customers. Some examples include:

  • A city map;
  • A table with BMI information;
  • An overview of children's clothing sizes;
  • A checklist for the purchase of a house.

If you also design the brochure nicely and print it on high-quality paper, it gives people even more reason to keep it. A nice layout, good text, and powerful image reinforce your message and together produce a valuable leaflet.

Do you want to write a brochure? Get it right with a professional!

Do you want to make a brochure, but struggle to write strong content? If so, have your brochure written by a professional copywriter. CopyRobin's copywriters are happy to help you create the best, most effective texts.

Contact us for more information or request your free trial order right away.

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Eric van Hall


Eric is the founder and owner of CopyRobin - 'copywriting as a service'. This online platform helps companies obtain excellent copy, and freelance copywriters get fulfilling assignments. Eric regularly blogs, podcasts and vlogs about digital marketing at CopyRobin and Emerce. Eric is also available as a presenter, moderator, interviewer and chairman for (online) events. He has been interviewed by Het FD, Het Parool, De Volkskrant, De Telegraaf, Het AD, Trouw, BNR and others. His mission is to help the world with better texts.