Eric van Hall
11 juni ‘24 2 min. reading time

CopyRobin Wins Silver at Dutch Interactive Awards: What Does This Mean for You as an Entrepreneur or Marketer?


At CopyRobin, we are proud to announce that, along with our technical partner Nextly, we have won a Silver Award in the AI Applications category at the Dutch Interactive Awards (DIA). The DIA isn't just any award; it is a recognition of our innovative work in a rapidly changing market where AI is becoming increasingly important. But what does this mean for you as an entrepreneur or marketer?

Market Advantage

As an entrepreneur or marketer, you understand the importance of staying ahead. Our award-winning approach combines the power of AI with human creativity, allowing you to benefit from the best of both worlds. This means faster turnaround times, higher quality, and more flexibility in your content creation. While traditional agencies may still be struggling with AI integration, you are already a step ahead with CopyRobin.

While traditional agencies may still be struggling with AI integration, you are already a step ahead with CopyRobin.

Flexible Content Options

One of the reasons the jury praised us is for our foresight. We offer a model where you can choose between AI-powered copywriting, fully human copywriting, or a combination. This flexibility lets you choose the right tone and style that fits your brand and message. Whether you need quick, efficient texts or in-depth, creative content, we have the right solution for you.

Cost Savings Without Quality Loss

Thanks to our advanced AI technology, we can deliver content competitively without compromising quality. This means you can allocate your budget more efficiently, provide more value to your customers, and achieve your marketing goals simultaneously. In a time when every euro counts, CopyRobin offers a cost-effective way to elevate your content strategy to the next level.

Future-Proof Business

The recognition by the Dutch Interactive Awards confirms that we are on the right path. By viewing AI not as a threat but as an opportunity, we have developed a model ready for the future. When you work with CopyRobin, you are assured of a partner who not only understands current trends but is also prepared for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

"In a market where AI plays an increasingly significant role, it is important for a copywriting agency to remain innovative."

What the Jury Said

The jury had the following to say about our approach: "In a market where AI plays an increasingly significant role, a copywriting agency needs to remain innovative. CopyRobin sees a world where AI plays a large role and decides to embrace the technology. The user chooses a model: AI-powered, human, or a combination of both. Impressive for an SME entrepreneur who looks at a world with room for AI and the added value of real people."

More Than a Trophy

For you as an entrepreneur or marketer, our Silver Award means more than just a beautiful trophy. It is a testament to our commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. Together, we can communicate your brand story more effectively with smart and creative content. Contact us today and discover how we can strengthen your content strategy.

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Eric van Hall


Eric is the founder and owner of CopyRobin - 'copywriting as a service'. This online platform helps companies obtain excellent copy, and freelance copywriters get fulfilling assignments. Eric regularly blogs, podcasts and vlogs about digital marketing at CopyRobin and Emerce. Eric is also available as a presenter, moderator, interviewer and chairman for (online) events. He has been interviewed by Het FD, Het Parool, De Volkskrant, De Telegraaf, Het AD, Trouw, BNR and others. His mission is to help the world with better texts.